nighttime lights, spatial and temporal changes, population distribution, population activity, territory of SerbiaAbstract
Nighttime lights represent the result of satellite observation of the artificial lighting of human activities on the Earth from space during the night, which provides the excellent opportunity to determine their position, pattern, density, and spatial distribution. Such data have a high detail spatial and temporal resolution, which opens a wide range of possibilities for quantitative and qualitative analysis. In this paper, nighttime lights are used as a highly accurate dataset for indirect tracking of changes in temporal and spatial patterns of population distribution and activity in Serbia. Two indicators were applied—Lighted area and Sum of lights. They are calculated for local government units in Serbia, for 2015 and period 2015–2019. The results of the conducted analysis follow the conclusions of the existing knowledge on population distribution based on the official statistical data. Areas with a high share of lighted areas are dominantly urban and the most populated, while traditionally depopulated areas are with a low share of lighted areas. Sum of lights highlighted the distinction between developed and populated north and depressive and depopulated south of Serbia. General conclusion is that “dark has fallen in Serbia”, not only in peripheral and rural parts of the country, but in the smaller urban centers as well, and it is steadily spreading toward bigger urban areas. With nighttime lights application, this kind of process in terms of spatial disparities, its scope and dynamics can be easily identified, analyzed, and monitored.
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