
  • Dragana Popović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
  • Dejan Doljak Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" SASA, Belgrade
  • Dragana Kuzmanović Civil Engineering Institute "IG" Banja Luka, Banja Luka
  • Milovan Pecelj University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Belgrade



spatial planning, GIS, V-Wert Method, tourism, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Republic of Srpska


The quantitative “diversity” method of the German geoecologist Hans Kiemstedt was adopted for the needs of a geoecological evaluation and landscape planning of the Kozara National Park in the Republic of Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina to be used for relaxation and recreation purposes. The aim of this paper is to indicate that geoecology can provide spatial planners with the expertise of landscape research, evaluation, planning and management. The method was employed to carry out landscape analysis and categorization, then the process of evaluation was done, based on which a synthetic map of the recreation potential of the research area was created. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used as a powerful tool that can provide a more detailed and meaningful analysis. This study shows the importance of integration a geoecological evaluation method with a geographic information system in order to get such a spacious offer in which the recreation areas are situated in most favorable places without negative effects on the environment. The evaluation of the Kozara National Park recreational potential conducted on a research area covering 3,907.54 ha leads to the conclusion that the area is mostly conditionally suitable for recreational activities. Obtained results showed that 41.32% is suitable and very suitable for recreation, especially distributed in central, northern, eastern, northeastern and southeastern parts of the National Park of Kozara.

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How to Cite

Popović, D., Doljak, D., Kuzmanović, D., & Pecelj, M. (2018). GEOECOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PROTECTED AREA FOR RECREATION AND TOURISM PLANNING – THE EVIDENCE FROM THE BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA NATIONAL PARK. Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 68(1), 119–131.

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