functional transformation, demographic trend, settlement, Šumadija districtAbstract
The paper starts from the hypothesis that the examined area is characterized by a process of intensive functional transformation accompanied by certain population changes. The transformation of the settlement structure is shown in the area of Šumadija district. The trend of demographic and economic development was observed with a historical overview. It was upgraded with quantitative analyzes (chain index, population change index, functional classification, index of specialization and localization) for the period 1971–2011. The aim was to determine the degree of socio-economic transformation of Šumadija district and the regularities according to which these changes took place. Industrialization generally brings changes in the functional orientation and redistribution of the population. The deagrarianization was one of the main features, with parallel emigration of the rural population. These changes were intensive in 1961–1981, when the peak of employment in secondary activities was registered. Since then, significant spatial transformation in Šumadija district was visible. Special analyzes were used to confirm the assumption that Kragujevac is a dominant labor center, an administrative and service nucleus, which has a propulsive influence on the development of its immediate surroundings (suburban belt) and the wider area (Šumadija district). The contribution of this paper is in the understanding of the scope, spatial distribution, and intensity of changes that have occurred in Šumadija district. It introduces the historical circumstances and quantitative research into a broader concept as a basis for understanding the trajectories of spatial and socio-economic development, and responds to many social challenges specific for this territory.
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