Serbia, geothermal energy, hydrogeological regions, thermal springsAbstract
Owing to the complex tectonic and plutonic activities and consequently complex geological structure, Serbia is a country of great geothermal potential. The areas of Central Serbia are the most promising in terms of its use, in which the Neogene magmatic activity was recorded, and Vojvodina, which belongs to the European geothermal zone and where the density of geothermal flow is at its highest (> 100mW/m2). However, this important renewable resource is not adequately recognized and is least used of all the existing ones. Existing active springs and wells are used mainly for non-energy consumption, balneological, sporting and recreational purposes. The paper presents the areas of the greatest geothermal potential with individual localities, and the current status of application by type of use. Also, some initiated projects and research have been mentioned, which need substantial financial resources, but the implementation would bring energy independence and contribute to the struggle against climate change. If properly used, with the complex and extensive research, geothermal energy could become one of the major energy sources in Serbia.
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