entertainment mobility, spatial patterns, attraction zones, neighborhood, BelgradeAbstract
Cultural and entertainment activities have become an important part of the life of the city's population. Spaces of entertainment are being developed in almost all parts of the city—in the inner city, in larger neighborhoods both in the city center and on the outskirts, near the centers of labor, shopping areas (e.g., attractive streets or shopping malls), or recreation areas. Hence the need to research the spatial patterns of entertainment mobility in the city. Studies to date have found that people spatially adjust their consumer activities (including entertainment) to their primary functions (housing, going to work, school, and college). This paper examines mobility for the entertainment of various socio-economic groups (employees, students, unemployed, and pensioners). Attention is also focused on examining the neighborhood's entertainment mobility—near the place of residence. The paper uses data from the survey on daily population mobility in the territory covered by the General Plan of Belgrade (GPB), Serbia, conducted in 6,357 households. The main part of the research is the spatial analysis of the patterns of residents’ mobility for entertainment. Spatial analyses is based on mapping of entertainment movements, and then interpreting the obtained cartographic representations. Based on that, regularities are recognized, i.e., spatial patterns of entertainment in the city.
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