responsible consumption in tourism, motivators and attitudes of tourists, waste generation, SlovakiaAbstract
Responsible consumption in tourism is a crucial prerequisite for its sustainable development. Tourists' Attitudes are an essential topic in the issue of waste generation and management in both academic and practical environments. The article examines the attitudes of Slovak tourism consumers towards sustainable consumption and waste generation. The study objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of motivators for responsible consumption in tourism in the Slovak Republic. Four motivators and two attitudes that determine responsible consumption in tourism were determined. The results are based on data from primary research conducted on a sample of 284 respondents. We used the method of questioning respondents in the form of a questionnaire. The intensity of perception of individual motivators was monitored through a 5-point Likert scale. The study defines one research question and four hypotheses. We used Spearman's correlation coefficient and logistic regression to verify the relationship between selected motivators and consumer attitudes. The results confirm that the motivators "family" and "media", providing information about waste and its effects on tourism destinations, are strong motivators for responsible consumption in tourism. "Education" and "influencer" are fewer effective motivators. Based on this, the contribution presents possible measures to strengthen the education of consumers in the tourism industry on responsible consumption in waste generation.
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