geoecological evaluation, V-Wert Method, Universal Thermal Climatic Index, sports and recreational tourism, LoznicaAbstract
The paper presents geoecological evaluation of the city of Loznica for the purposes of sports and recreational tourism based on quantitative method of diversity, V-Wert Method. Using the GIS tool by the quantitative method, the criteria of natural components (relief, forest, water surface and climate) are evaluated for the analyzed area. In the proposed method, the climate factor was supplemented by the analysis of the bioclimatic index Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI). When the evaluation was completed, the final results were obtained based on which the degrees of convenience of different parts of the analyzed area have been presented. Out of the total analyzed surface, which amounts to 705 km2, favorable surfaces comprise 21 km2 (2.98%), and very favorable surfaces comprise 33 km2, i.e. 4.68% of the territory. The largest area consists of conditionally favorable terrains — 333 km2 (47.23%). Since one of the basic strategic priorities of the City of Loznica is improvement and development of sports and recreational tourism, the aim of this analysis is to emphasize the potential of the mentioned area in terms of general suitability of the terrain for the development of this type of tourism.
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