
  • Dragan Burić Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro/University of Montenegro, Faculty of Philosophy, Nikšić, Montenegro
  • Vladan Ducić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Jovan Mihajlović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Ljubomir Popović University of Montenegro, Faculty of Philosophy, Nikšić, Montenegro




Australia, temperature, trend, temperature altitude amplification, TLT, TMT


In the conditions of dominant influence of anthropogenic greenhouse effect and according to simulation models, a more intensive temperature increase in upper-air layers of troposphere than in lower-air layers should be expected. In order to check this, the difference between temperature trends in the middle and lower troposphere over the Australian continent has been analyzed. Satellite data UAHMSU for lower troposphere (TLT) and middle troposphere (ТМТ), for the 1979–2014 period have been used in the study. Estimates have been done on seasonal and annual value, and the results obtained indicate that there is a trend of temperature increase, but not altitude amplification over Australia. Reducing the time series for a year from the beginning (1980–2014, 1981–2014…), a comparative analysis between corresponding time series for each season, i.e., each year, showed that from 140 mutual comparisons, altitude amplification does not exist in 130, i.e., in 93% of cases. Moreover, in sub-periods of 1996 (1997–2014, 1998– 2014…), we can not even talk about warming in most cases because the trend of temperature is negative.

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How to Cite

Burić, D., Ducić, V., Mihajlović, J., & Popović, L. (2015). TEMPERATURE ALTITUDE AMPLIFICATION AS A FOOTPRINT OF A POSSIBLE ANTHROPOGENIC IMPACT ON THE CLIMATE OF AUSTRALIA. Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 65(3), 297–307. https://doi.org/10.2298/IJGI1503297B

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