
  • Jovan Mihajlović Polytechnic School, Kragujevac



landspout, non-supercell tornado, synoptic types, cumulonimbus (Cb), Sombor


Around 14:00 UTC, on July 10, 2014 a non-supercell tornado-a landspout, formed and occurred within a convective cloudiness in the S-SW upper air flow and moved over Sombor (45°46' N, 19°06' E, h=89 m). Synoptic conditions, type of synoptic situation which caused the landspout event, CAPE, LI indices and adiabatic stability of the atmosphere have been analysed in this paper. An analysis of sounding measurements and satellite images has also been done. Based on field survey analysis and using the Fujita scale method (F-scale), damage estimates have been shown in order to determine the tornado strength. The three main objectives of this research are: 1) analysis of atmospheric synoptic conditions that caused the landspout development in northern Backa using the data obtained from upper air and surface maps; 2) investigation into the satellite images data and radiosounding measurements; 3) to determine the evolution of the parent cloud from which the landspout developed using these methods. This article therefore represents a contribution to understanding of atmospheric conditions which favour a suitable synoptic and thermodynamic environment for a landspout genesis and development.

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How to Cite

Mihajlović, J. (2017). ANALYSIS OF A NON-SUPERCELL TORNADO IN SOMBOR ON JULY 10, 2014. Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 67(2), 115–133.

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