Köppen climate classification, climate regionalization, air temperature, precipitation, SerbiaAbstract
The paper presents a concise overview of the theoretical framework on which climate classifications are based. Beside short review of climate classifications, namely climatic regionalization for Serbia (or wider area including Serbia), main deficiency of these research was ascertained (which primarily relate to the period on the basis of which climate regionalization was carried out). The criteria of the Köppen climate classification are presented, on the basis of which the climate regionalization of Serbia has been carried out. The methodology of making maps of air temperatures and precipitation amounts has been described, on the basis of which a map of the climate regions of Serbia has been created. Spatial distribution of the types and subtypes of the climates in Serbia has been briefly described. It has been pointed to the constraints of the climate regionalization that arise from the theoretical bases of the climate classifications, but also from nature of the collected data and the applied methodology.
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