job satisfaction, motivation, work engagement, employee turnover, hotel employeesAbstract
In the hospitality industry, employee turnover is extremely high. It is often caused by minimal growth opportunities, intensive work, lack of flexibility, limited opportunities for promotion, lack of recognition, etc. Investment in human resources, strategies that maintain an adequate workforce and improve employee engagement is quite justified cost with multiple returns. The specific issue is that hospitality leaders often do not know the relationships between employee satisfaction, employee motivation and employee engagement, which may be the basis for understanding their intention to leave the job. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the three job-related constructs: motivation, job satisfaction, and work engagement, as well as to examine their impact on employee turnover. The results confirmed a positive relationship between job satisfaction and motivation, satisfaction and work engagement, as well as the relationship between motivation and engagement. On the other side, the results showed that job satisfaction, dedication, and vigor negatively predict employee turnover. The findings may provide hotel managers with a foundation to understand this issue and assume where to direct their research and how to improve job conditions.
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