settlement hierarchy, centrality of the settlements, urban development, Kolubara District, SerbiaAbstract
In post-socialist European countries, smaller cities were most vulnerable to economic restructuring during the transition years, as a result of which they suffered political and economic changes. These changes significantly influenced the hierarchy of these settlements in the settlement system. The phenomenon of urban hierarchy and changes in the hierarchy of settlements are rare research topics in Serbia. In this research, Kolubara District (in Western Serbia) is used as a case study because it has a good traffic position, as well as good potential for industrial development, but despite this, its inhabitants migrate to larger cities. This paper tests Schmook’s method for the centrality of settlements. A survey was used to examine the attitude of the local population in regard to the centrality and hierarchy of settlements. A closed type questionnaire was used. The results show that the local population has a positive attitude toward the functional development of the cities in the Kolubara District.
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