urban floods, Stormwater drainage systems, multicriteria approach, AHP & FMEA, overflow pointsAbstract
This study aims to help the management of the Stormwater Drainage System (SDS) of Bejaia City to manage urban flood problems, i.e., to provide them with tools for a better organization of information on SDS combined with a better optimization of its interventions on the network. Our study is based on a multicriteria analysis of the “SDS–inundation–Impact” system. We used a multicriteria approach and classified the overflow points called Black Points (BPs) using two methods: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Failure Mode, Effect and criticality Analysis (FMEA). The criteria and the evaluation scale were defined on the basis of past observations, expert opinions, and feedback experience. The map of the past flooded areas was made and used to calibrate the two models. We mapped the BPs according to intervention priorities (one to four). The outcomes from both models are greatly comparable to the results of the impact assessment of past floods. The proposed approach can also reduce flood risks by integrating some of influencing factors (causing floodings) and the application can be adapted and implemented in other cities too. Both methods are reliable, particularly the AHP for the most overflowing BPs. They could be advantageously combined to improve decision-making.
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