new residential buildings, accessibility, urban services, GIS, Craiova (Romania)Abstract
The present study uses methods based on Geographic Information System (GIS) to investigate the distribution of new residential buildings in Craiova (Romania) and assess their accessibility to key urban services. The focus is on collective housing developments constructed after 2015, encompassing both completed and ongoing projects. The research evaluates accessibility at the neighborhood level, considering key facilities and services such as banking services, pharmacies, kindergartens, primary schools, supermarkets, sport facilities, and green urban areas. Data for urban services were collected from open-source databases (OpenStreetMap, Copernicus Land Monitoring—Urban Atlas) and completed by field investigations. Isochrones, representing travel time from each residential building to the selected services, are used to measure the residents' accessibility by multiple travel modes. Additionally, the study considers the proximity of new residential buildings to the old historical city center, as a hub for shopping and leisure activities, and the walkability of the neighborhoods where the collective residences are located. The findings shed light on the spatial distribution of new residential developments in relation to essential urban services, providing valuable insights for urban planning and development strategies in Craiova, as well as for future residential investments.
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