port-cities, waterfront classification, morphological approachAbstract
Researchers from multiple disciplines have proposed classification systems for waterfront transformations: generational (according to the date of their construction) and functional (based on the function assigned to the land post-harbor use). However, an analysis based on the spatial features of the former port areas and their meaning for the waterfront transformation has been missing. This contribution is an attempt to fill this gap by proposing a classification based on morphological approach. It uses selected case studies based on cluster sampling method, following a fractal reading approach of the waterfronts, to capture a representative sample and to generalize the study following a deductive logic. Using satellite images and maps, this article first identifies the areas where the waterfront was revitalized and then it analyzes the type and function of these spaces according to the classical classifications existing in the literature on the subject. A morphological approach used as methodology framework was based on the analysis of satellite images and the cartography of the waterfront areas with simplification algorithm on ArcGIS. The resulting morphological classification of waterfront transformations reveals the relationship between the built form of the former port areas, classified here as convex, concave, or linear spaces, and the kind of revitalization type respectively classified as ribbon-shaped, convergence, or dilatation. The conclusions about the relationships between the built form available for waterfront transformations and the most appropriate type of revitalization can provide concrete indications for a sustainable future transformation of port cities, especially cities whose reconversion is lagging behind.
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