
  • Nadezhda Ilieva National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Geography, Sofia
  • Boris Kazakov National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Geography, Sofia
  • Kamelia Petkova Institute of Philosophy and Sociology - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Stratification, Inequalities and Mobility, Sofia
  • Dimitar Enikiev University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia
  • Dessislava Poleganova National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Geography, Sofia



ghettoization, segregation assessment, Roma population, urban development, Bulgaria


Post-socialist European cities face many challenges, such as growing socioeconomic inequality, spatial polarization, and a lack of sustainability. The rise of Roma ghettoized quarters in the cities imperatively imposes comprehensive research on the origin, evolution, and significance of these areas in the urban fabric. These ghettoized neighborhoods deepen the social, economic, and spatial divisions between citizens and significantly influence urban development and policy. Adapting the model developed by Divyani Kohli and coauthors in 2012, this study proposes a modified conceptual framework and index for assessing the spatial segregation of Roma neighborhoods in Bulgaria, using the four Roma settlements in the city of Ruse as a case. It aims to facilitate the elaboration of effective policies for integrated and sustainable urban development. The research utilizes quantitative and qualitative methods, including participant observation, in-depth interviews, and the analysis of normative documents, remote sensing, and geographic information systems (GIS), to collect detailed spatiotemporal data on Roma neighborhoods and calculate an index reflecting their urban design. Applying the index to the case of Ruse, the Selemetya neighborhood emerges as the most distinct and segregated Roma neighborhood, while the other three neighborhoods exhibit features of partial segregation. Despite the fact that the level of spatial segregation of Roma neighborhoods can be measured based on various approaches and criteria, the suggested index, despite its shortcomings, can be considered appropriate, although not universal, and therefore, the local specifics of deprived areas should be taken into consideration.

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How to Cite

Ilieva, N., Kazakov, B., Petkova, K., Enikiev, D., & Poleganova, D. (2025). MEASURING SPATIAL SEGREGATION OF ROMA NEIGHBORHOODS IN URBAN SETTLEMENTS: CASE STUDY OF RUSE, BULGARIA. Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 75(1), 121–136.

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