transition, regional specialization, sectoral structure of activities, employment, SerbiaAbstract
In this paper, the specialization of regional economic structures—regional specialization in Serbia is analyzed by areas NUTS 3 level (oblasti) in the period 2001–2015 by using the Herfindahl index (indicator of absolute specialization) and Krugman specialization index (indicator of relative specialization). Cross-region analysis shows that the sectoral structure of activities by areas have converged (a decline in the degree of regional absolute specialization), and at the same time they became dissimilar in relation to the sectoral structure on the national level (an increase in the degree of regional relative specialization). As well as in other post-socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe a change of employment structure by economic activities was initiated by intensive deindustrialization and, consequently, tertiarization, relocation of employment to service activities. A comparative analysis of research results of regional specialization in Serbia with research in several new EU member states, has shown similarities, particularly in regard to the decrease of regional absolute specialization and representation of different sectoral structures in the region of capital relative to other regions in the national context. As well as in CEE, the transition process in Serbia has additionally emphasized the polarized and spatially different pattern of regional development.
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