leisure activities, ski center, tourism destination, KopaonikAbstract
Nowadays, people are paying more attention to spending their leisure time, primarily due to the fact that number, type and importance of various activities increased. Due to variety of activities, tourism demand became more sophisticated. Also, new human needs are constantly developing and people are seeking the new ways to satisfy them. Some of these needs cannot be satisfied in the place of the residence, which is one of the reasons for increased number of travels, in conditions when people have more time and funds available for this purpose. Ski centers represent a popular type of destinations for spending the leisure time. This survey was conducted during the winter season 2014/2015 (December–April) at Kopaonik, the largest ski resort and one of the most important destinations in Serbia. Survey covered a sample of 200 respondents. Subject of the research is tourists’ leisure time within the ski centre as a specific destination, with aim of improving Kopaonik’s offer and its tourism facilities in accordance with available potentials for tourism development. Collected data were analyzed in SPSS (17.0). This program was used for determination of the frequency of respondents’ answers and their distribution by using the descriptive statistics, cross-tabulations of variables, while hypotheses are tested by determination of Phi coefficient of correlation. Results provide an insight into the socio-demographic profile of the respondents, the way they spend their leisure time at Kopaonik, which could serve as a basis for improving the offer of tourism facilities represented at this popular destination in Serbia.
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