regional development, technological structure, intensive development, extensive development, Russian regionsAbstract
Regional development prospects depend on a set of factors, among which the most essential are the population density, distance between actors, and the level of development. Those aspects are revealed, on one hand, while analyzing the type of regional development (intensive or extensive), and on the other hand, from the standpoint of the center–peripheral model. An assessment of the sectoral structure of employed people in the economy of the region and the population density are also used to identify the development type. The combination of these approaches makes it possible to identify the regional capacity for innovations diffusion and knowledge spillover. The aim of the research is to assess regional differences in the economy sectoral structure for identifying the innovative and extensive types of Russian regions. There are other methods used in the research as well: cartographic analysis, structural-sectoral analysis, and typology. The types of regions characterized by disproportions of intensive and extensive development have been identified. Measures are proposed to realize the regional economic potential. The issues of the territorial transformation of the settlement system and economic space are discussed. Further research is associated with an extended analysis of intensive development factors and cross-county comparison of the factors of innovations diffusion intensity and knowledge spillover.
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