Doukhobor, anthropology, Canada, migrationAbstract
Until recently, practically no attention was paid to the ethnic composition of the Doukhobors, since there has been established an idea of the Doukhobors as a special group of the Russian ethnos. Few studies mentioned about the ethnic heterogeneity of the Doukhobors, uniting not only Russians, but also the Mordvins, Poles, Gypsies, Tatars, Ukrainians, etc. Doukhobors’ ideology contributed to the fact that in their communities as in a kind of melting pot, representatives of various ethnic groups became one. The Doukhobors believe in their special mission, considering themselves as a separate ethnos and requiring recognition of this position not only from the surrounding population, but also from the state authorities. However, despite many common characteristics of all Canadian Doukhobors that have arisen on the basis of a common religious cult and joint activities, one language (Russian) and genesis, Doukhobors of the Mordovian origin, long living outside their historic homeland, still remember about the ethnic roots, retaining some features of the traditional Mordovian culture.
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