agritourism, TIAS Scale, local residents, rural area, Vojvodina ProvinceAbstract
The paper deals with local residents’ attitudes in Vojvodina Province (Northern Serbia) about effect of tourism in their surroundings, using Tourism Impact Attitude Scale (TIAS). So far, analysis of the tourism impact on the attitudes of the locals in rural areas of Vojvodina, as well as other parts of Serbia and surrounding countries is insufficiently researched. In this regard, factor analysis was applied for the analysis about interconnections of the sets of items. Eventually, the analyzed items of the TIAS were grouped into four factors, which explain 47.47% of the variance. All factors have a theoretic and scientific background and have shown insignificant deviations from the prevailing scientific results. In addition, in order to explore the tourism impact on the locals’ attitudes, t-test, ANOVA and descriptive statistical analysis have been applied. In total of four research sub-hypotheses, two has been proved (H1a, H1c), one has been partially proved (H1b) and one has been refuted (H1d). The study conclusion emphasizes the finding that the higher the general opinion and attitude of an individuals and the community on tourist development in their local surroundings are, the higher is the care about their local community.
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