climate change adaptation, coastal communities, local knowledge, thematic network analysis, participatory GISAbstract
Climate change poses challenges and risks to coastal communities, and the adaptation of local residents is a critically relevant issue that needs to be addressed in the policymaking process. The main purpose of this paper is to determine the perceptions and experiences of climate change among coastal community residents in the Philippines. This study used a combination of methods, such as participatory mapping exercises, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and document analyses. The data, which were primarily collected from three coastal villages in the province of Bulacan, were subjected to a thematic network analysis. The findings revealed four dominant themes pertaining to climate change adaptation in a coastal community setting: vulnerability conditions, risk awareness, risk perceptions, and climate change awareness and perceptions. In particular, it was found out that the communities were exposed to the threats of natural hazards like flood and storm surge. Such exposure highlighted the residents' concerns over the risks of hazards on their livelihoods and properties. The residents also observed the unpredictability and the worsening effects of climate change. With their direct experiences of the natural hazards' impacts and awareness of the presence of risks, residents had undertaken actions to build their adaptive capacity. This study then highlights the value of integrating local knowledge into the mapping exercises, revealing crucial information regarding vulnerabilities, risks, and adaptation practices.
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