pro-environmental spending, sustainability, synthetic measure, CRITIC-TOPSIS method, PolandAbstract
The relationship between pro-environmental spending, the state of the environment and development refers to its impact on economic, social and environmental development, improved quality of life, and economic stability. The study aims to understand and assess the level of variation in pro-environmental spending by municipalities in relation to their environmental conditions and development. Quantitative data on pro-environmental spending, enironmental conditions, and development were obtained for municipalities in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (province) from Statistics Poland for the years 2014, 2020, 2021, and 2022. The study is based on a literature review of the subject and statistical analysis, while the CRITIC-TOPSIS method was applied to generate synthetic measures. The results show changes in ecological spending, the state of the environment and development. The relationship between environmental status and development and pro-environmental spending has weakened during researched period. This may be due to a decline in public spending in response to financial crises, the COVID-19 pandemic or insufficient implementation of environmental projects. Maintenance (cleaning, greening, and waste management) has the greatest impact on the social and economic development of the municipality. Some improvements in the state of the environment in recent years are observed, with fluctuations in ecological spending and overall development. These changes may be the result of various environmental policies, local economic challenges, as well as sustainable development efforts at the municipal level.
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