
  • Bashar F. Maaroof University of Babylon, Babylon Center for Civilization and Historical Studies, Hillah, Babil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0859-1728
  • Makki H. Omran Iraqi Ministry of Environment, Babil Environment Directorate, Hillah, Babil
  • Fouad F. Al-Qaim University of Babylon, Department of Chemistry, Hillah, Babil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3473-4980
  • Jasim Mohammed Salman University of Babylon, Department of Biology, Hillah, Babil; University of Babylon, Environmental Research and Studies Center, Hillah, Babil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2130-7197
  • Bader N. Hussain University of Babylon, Babylon Center for Civilization and Historical Studies, Hillah, Babil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6498-3902
  • Mawada Abdellatif Liverpool John Moores University, School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2314-3883
  • Iacopo Carnacina Liverpool John Moores University, School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5567-7180
  • Ban Al-Hasani Liverpool John Moores University, School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool
  • Muhammad R. Jawad Iraqi Ministry of Environment, Babil Environment Directorate, Hillah, Babil
  • Wiam A. Hussein Iraqi Ministry of Environment, Babil Environment Directorate, Hillah, Babil




environmental modeling, spatial analysis, water pollution, Al-Hillah River


In this study, the environmental characteristics of Al-Hillah River were studied using geoinformatics applications, which is one of the geospatial techniques (GST). Applying this methodology, a geographic information system was developed, and it was supplied with laboratory data for the physical and chemical properties of 16 parameters for 2021. These data were linked to their spatial locations, using radar imagery of the Digital Elevation Model (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission), and Landsat ETM+7 satellite image. The results indicated that Al-Hillah River was affected by the liquid discharges of factories, cities, and farms spread on its sides, especially in the cities of Sadat Al-Hindiya, Al-Hillah, and Al-Hashimiyah. The seasonal changes in the climate affected some characteristics, including water temperature, pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids, and total hardness. The study showed that the concentration of sulfate (SO4) has risen above the permissible limits for the waters of Iraqi rivers. There are relatively high hardness and alkalinity values, but they were within the permissible limits. The study also showed that most of the results of environmental parameters that were used in the laboratory, were within the permissible limits of Iraqi water, except for sulfates. The justification for conducting this study is to help government agencies and decision-makers to adopt a correct vision for development projects that serve Babil Governorate. Also, it is the first time that the environmental characteristics of Al-Hillah River are studied using geoinformatics applications.

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How to Cite

Maaroof, B. F., Omran, M. H., Al-Qaim, F. F., Salman, J. M., Hussain, B. N., Abdellatif, M., … Hussein, W. A. (2023). ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF AL-HILLAH RIVER POLLUTION AT BABIL GOVERNORATE (IRAQ). Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 73(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.2298/IJGI2301001M

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