simulation model, resident, geo-object, GeoCity, urban ecosystemAbstract
In this paper the initialization of the city is considered, which consists of several steps, including the creation of city objects with their locations, creation of residents with their attributes and own daily schedules, etc. A description of the model is provided as a tuple of attributes. The adequacy of the simulation model is checked based on the statistical data from the city of Lviv, Ukraine. Generated locations of city ecosystem objects are presented. The daily schedule of residents is simulated. A possible work schedule for each specialty is given, and separate schedules are created for working days and holidays. A unique schedule is predicted for the resident, which depends on their age and work specialty. The dynamics of visits to facilities by residents on weekdays and at weekends are analyzed. Based on the conducted experiments, the adequacy of the model and its realistic reflection of the functioning of the city's ecosystem during the day are proven. It means that by using this model, researchers can assess the impact of different behavioral scenarios on the residents within the city ecosystem more reliably. This enables a better understanding of how certain actions or changes in behavior can affect the spread and control of diseases in a specific geographic area. This model has the potential to serve as a foundation for future modeling of systems at the medium and macro scales.
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