demography, traditional family values, institution of marriage, reproductive behaviorAbstract
Society’s demographic development holds great importance for all social processes: economy, education, science, culture, and others. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the various factors influencing the formation of demographic trends and understand their significance. This paper considers a range of sources influencing the formation of young people's attitudes toward family values, namely: the immediate environment, mass media, media content, literature, social surveys, social advertising, and propaganda, as well as bloggers as a modern element of media communications that has a fairly large influence on the young audience. The paper analyzes Russia’s policy of the demographic problem, which is associated with the currently being implemented Concept of the State Family policy in the Russian Federation until 2025 (The Concept) aimed at strengthening and protecting the family as the fundamental basis of the Russian society. The paper presents the results of mass surveys among the Rostov region youth: 1) on the key points of the Concept the sample included 450 young people aged 20–29 and 2) on the youth’s preferences for various types of mass media with a sample of 634 respondents aged between 16 and 25. It was revealed that the core foundations of the family culture are sufficiently established in the Russian Federation with the dominance of the marriage relations as free, voluntary, and equal association of men and women, which is consistent with the state policy of support and development of family values.
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