seasonal drought, Standardized Precipitation Indices, drought frequency, drought intensityAbstract
Although drought is a common phenomenon in Southern Europe, including Bulgaria, it can have adverse effects on human life and economic activities (water scarcity, reduced agricultural production, and economic losses to agriculture). This event occurs regionally, but it can spread over large areas. Whether it will be perceived as a hazard depends on the affected areas and the degree of impact. The article aims to provide new insight into the meteorological drought in the most densely populated NUTS 2 region of Bulgaria—the Yugozapaden (Southwestern). Based on Standardized Precipitation Indices (SPI-1 and SPI-3), its occurrence during the period 1961–2020 was analysed in terms of duration, intensity, and magnitude. The maximum drought duration and average drought intensity were determined using SPI-1. The seasonal distribution of drought shows its higher frequency in spring and summer, but on the other side, extreme drought was more common in winter and autumn. The maximum drought duration was observed mainly in the 1990s.
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