COVID-19, ISHOT, motivation, second home, tourismAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought dramatic changes in all the areas of life, and has inflicted many societal costs. The negativities in the field of health and economy are the prominent ones. The whole process significantly affected human behavior, preferences, and priorities. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the motivations of international second home tourists (ISHOT). In addition, motivations for buying or renting a second home in the pre-pandemic period, the push and pull factors affecting their decision to stay in a destination, and the emotional experience they had during the pandemic were also interpreted in the study. Qualitative data research method was used with semi-structured interview forms. In-depth interviews were conducted with 26 ISHOTs living in Alanya, coastal Turkey. The results proved that there were significant differences between pre-pandemic and post-pandemic motivations of ISHOTs for second homes. In the pre-pandemic period, increasing the quality of life, being happy, providing mental health and well-being, emotional relaxation, and getting away from stress were in the frame among the reasons that pushed ISHOTs to acquire second homes. During the pandemic, it was determined that these motivations were replaced by feelings such as anxiety, complaint, protection instinct, uncertainty, and a trust pledge. Low risk, information provision, hygiene, and health system were important reasons that pulled ISHOTs to their second homes during the pandemic process. Insecurity, late intervention, the health system, the risk of being infected, and inadequate precautions were the reasons pushing them away from their home countries.
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