


second home tourism, socio-cultural impact, economic impact, permanent residents


The aim of the study is to determine the perceptions of permanent residents on the impact of foreign second home owners on the socio-cultural and economic life of the city, and the residents’ level of satisfaction in terms of living with them. As part of the research, a questionnaire study was carried out with 453 residents who reside in areas where there is a predominance of second home owners. The Second Home Tourism Impact Scale (SHTIS) was developed to measure the impacts of second home owners. In the results of the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), four main factors were identified to be associated with residents’ perceptions of the socio-cultural and economic impacts of second home owners. These factors included socio-cultural benefit, socio-cultural cost, economic benefit, and economic cost. These factors were then affirmed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). According to the main findings of the study, the residents believe that while foreign owners increase the economic costs, they also generate major economic benefits to their lives. In terms of socio-cultural aspects, they stated that second homes owners caused more positive effects compared to the negative ones. Moreover, it was identified that although the residents are not dissatisfied with the foreign owners, they do not support the foreign owners to have more estates and be entitled to easier conditions to buy them.

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How to Cite

Baltaci, F., & Cevirgen, A. (2020). THE IMPACTS OF SECOND HOME TOURISM ON SOCIO-CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC LIFE: THE RESIDENTS’ PERSPECTIVES. Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 70(3), 273–288.

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