History of physical geography, climatology, Tomislav Rakićević, Faculty of Geography, popularization of scienceAbstract
After the Second World War begins the rapid development of the scientific geography and climatology, the discipline whose pioneer was in the first half of XX century Pavle Vujević, attracts a number of researchers. Tomislav Rakićević, professor at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, has dedicated its researches to this discipline of physical geography throughout his career, giving it special focus since the 70’s with only occasional researches in his primarily field of hydrogeography. This paper concerns with the life and work of Tomislav Rakićević, his scientific development, professional engagement, researches, fields of interest, influences of his work, participation in various conventions but also with his pedagogical activities, devotion to bring science closer to the public and his work on the popularization of science. Among the honours he received, the “Jovan Cvijić” medal is of the special importance. The paper includes the comprehensive bibliography of published works after 1990, the first of its kind.
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