spa tourism, cultural authenticity, sustainability practices, tourist perceptions, service qualityAbstract
This qualitative study explores tourist perceptions and expectations of spa tourism in Mile City, China. The focus is on service quality, cultural authenticity, and sustainability practices. The research data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 18 participants to explore how these elements influence visitor satisfaction and decision-making. The findings highlight the critical role of cleanliness, therapist expertise, and ambiance in shaping overall satisfaction and revisit intentions. Visitors likewise place considerable importance on the incorporation of indigenous cultural components, including customary healing practices and ethnic decorations, which significantly enrich their spa experiences. Additionally, a distinct need for transparent and observable sustainability initiatives has arisen, even though existing practices remain constrained. By employing a grounded theory methodology, this research presents a novel conceptual framework to direct forthcoming investigations in spa tourism. This research offers vital insights for local spa enterprises and policymakers to enhance service offerings and align promotional strategies with modern traveler expectations, thereby promoting asustainable and culturally immersive spa tourism industry in Mile City.
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