cultural geography, GLOBE national culture dimensions, Serbia, self-management system, Eastern European clusterAbstract
Many scholars have been interested in grouping countries into similar clusters based on different criteria including geographic proximity, mass migrations, and ethnic social capital and religious and linguistic commonality. Clustering of societies is beneficial for many reasons and the GLOBE project method of clustering is of special importance from the intercultural management point of view. The results of the GLOBE project were based on the data collected from samples which consisted of middle managers. In this paper, we used the GLOBE project approach to clustering process because of its importance from the point of view of international business cooperation. Namely, it is well known that national culture strongly influences organizational culture and that the business performances are much better when national and organizational cultures fit well. Our cluster consists of Serbia and the Eastern European cluster without Georgia, Kazakhstan and Albania, since the rest of the Eastern European cluster has many common historical connections with Serbia including the fact that they belonged to the former Eastern Bloc (the Communist Bloc) or they were under the occupation of the Ottoman Empire during a long period.
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