image, tourist destination, Belgrade, Novi SadAbstract
The image of a tourist destination to a large degree contributes to decision-making while selecting and visiting a destination. Therefore, creating a positive image in mind of the consumers is vital for the said destination. In the analysis of image of Belgrade and Novi Sad from the perspective of foreign tourists, it has been established that the image is associated with the domain of entertainment and night life, quality food and drinks, as well as the hospitality of local population. The image of rich history is also connected to Belgrade, while cleanliness is attributed to Novi Sad. The differences in the image of these two cities are most frequently located in the aura of the location, that is, the ambiance predominant in the city. While Belgrade is fast-paced, wild, full of life, Novi Sad is charming, romantic, slow, quiet and peaceful. What can be noted is that neither Belgrade nor Novi Sad do not have any tourist attractions that are extremely attractive for tourist, such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Red Square in Moscow, The Statue of Liberty in New York. Creating provocative tourist attractions is necessary to drastically increase the number of tourists. Novi Sad has made a significant step in that sense by organizing a music festival — Exit, however, the downside to using such events as tourist attractions is their temporal limitation (they most frequently last several days a year), which is insufficient for the city to make larger profit from tourism.
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